Terms and Conditions

General Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions gov­ern your use of the Chartered Education web­site (www.charterededucation.com) (the “Site”) and your rela­tion­ship with Chartered Education (“Chartered Education”, “we” or “us”) includ­ing the sup­ply of any items to you through the Site. Please read them care­fully as they affect your rights and liab­il­it­ies under the law. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, do not register for or use the Site. If you have any ques­tions on the Terms and Conditions, please con­tact info@charterededu.com.

1. Use of the Site

The Site is provided to you for your per­sonal use sub­ject to these Terms and Conditions. By using the Site you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. [References to these Terms and Conditions include the User Submission Terms]

2. Amendments

We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time for legal or reg­u­lat­ory reas­ons or to allow the proper oper­a­tion of the Site.
Changes will be noti­fied to you either via the e-mail address provided by you on regis­tra­tion or via a suit­able announce­ment on the Site. The changes will apply to the use of the Site after we have given notice. If you do not wish to accept the new Terms and Conditions you should not con­tinue to use the Site. If you con­tinue to use the Site after the date on which the change comes into effect, your use of the Site indic­ates your agree­ment to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions.

3 Registration

3.1 You must ensure that the details provided by you on regis­tra­tion or at any time are cor­rect and com­plete.
3.2 You must inform us imme­di­ately of any changes to the inform­a­tion that you provided when regis­ter­ing by updat­ing your per­sonal details in order that we can com­mu­nic­ate with you effectively.

4 Password and security

4.1 When you register to use the Site you will be asked to cre­ate a pass­word. In order to pre­vent fraud, you must keep this pass­word con­fid­en­tial and must not dis­close it or share it with any­one. If you know or sus­pect that someone else knows your pass­word you should notify us by con­tact­ing info@charterededu.com imme­di­ately.
4.2 If Chartered Education has reason to believe that there is likely to be a breach of secur­ity or mis­use of the Site, we may require you to change your pass­word or we may sus­pend your account.

5 User Submission Terms

5.1 If you sub­mit mater­ial for inclu­sion on the Site, you agree to be bound by the User Submission Terms found here.
5.2 Clause 5.1 includes and is not limited to user submitted suggestions, comments, testimonials and other material.

6 Intellectual property

6.1 The con­tent of the Site is pro­tec­ted by copy­right, trade marks, data­base right and other intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights. Except where the Site includes con­tent which is solely for stream­ing or uses any secur­ity meas­ures to pre­vent you from doing so, you may retrieve and dis­play the con­tent of the Site on a com­puter screen, store such con­tent in elec­tronic form on disk (but not any server or other stor­age device con­nec­ted to a net­work) or print one copy of such con­tent for your own per­sonal, non-commercial use, provided you keep intact all and any copy­right and pro­pri­et­ary notices.
6.2 You may not oth­er­wise repro­duce, modify, copy or dis­trib­ute or use for com­mer­cial pur­poses any of the mater­i­als or con­tent on the Site (other than your own User Material) without writ­ten per­mis­sion from the Company.
6.3 You may not cir­cum­vent or dis­able any security-related fea­tures of the Site.

7 Your use of the Site

7.1 You may not use the Site for any of the fol­low­ing pur­poses:
7.1.1 dis­sem­in­at­ing any unlaw­ful, har­ass­ing, libel­lous, abus­ive, threat­en­ing, harm­ful, vul­gar, obscene, or oth­er­wise objec­tion­able mater­ial or oth­er­wise breach­ing any laws;
7.1.2 any com­mer­cial use without our writ­ten per­mis­sion;
7.1.3 trans­mit­ting mater­ial that encour­ages con­duct that con­sti­tutes a crim­inal offence, res­ults in civil liab­il­ity or oth­er­wise breaches any applic­able laws, reg­u­la­tions or code of prac­tice;
7.1.4 inter­fer­ing with any other person’s use or enjoy­ment of the Site includ­ing by col­lect­ing per­sonal data; or
7.1.5 mak­ing, trans­mit­ting or stor­ing elec­tronic cop­ies of mater­i­als pro­tec­ted by copy­right without the per­mis­sion of the owner.
7.2 You will be respons­ible for our losses and costs res­ult­ing from your breach of this clause 6.

8. Availability of the Site

8.1 Although we aim to offer you the best ser­vice pos­sible, we make no prom­ise that the ser­vices at the Site will meet your require­ments. We can­not guar­an­tee that the ser­vice will be fault-free. If a fault occurs on the Site you should report it to info@charterededu.com and we will attempt to cor­rect the fault.
8.2 Your access to the Site may be occa­sion­ally restric­ted to allow for repairs, main­ten­ance or the intro­duc­tion of new facil­it­ies or services.

9 Our right to sus­pend or can­cel your registration

9.1 We may sus­pend or can­cel your regis­tra­tion imme­di­ately at our reas­on­able dis­cre­tion or if you breach any of your oblig­a­tions under
these Terms and Conditions.
9.2 You can can­cel your regis­tra­tion at any time by inform­ing us in writ­ing at info@charterededu.com. If you do so, you must stop using the Site.
9.3 The sus­pen­sion or can­cel­la­tion of your regis­tra­tion and your right to use the Site shall not affect either party’s stat­utory rights or liab­il­it­ies.
9.4 We do not allow con­cur­rent logins, neither for free mem­bers nor paid mem­bers. Breaching this may res­ult in your account being sus­pen­ded imme­di­ately without refund.

10 The Company’s liability

10.1 The Site provides con­tent from other Internet sites or resources and while Chartered Education tries to ensure that mater­ial included on the Site is cor­rect, reput­able and of high qual­ity, it does not make any war­ranties or guar­an­tees in rela­tion to that con­tent. If Chartered Education is informed of any inac­curacies in the mater­ial on the Site we will attempt to cor­rect the inac­curacies, as soon as, we reas­on­ably can.
10.2 If we are in breach of these Terms & Conditions, we will only be respons­ible for any losses that you suf­fer as a res­ult to the extent that they are a dir­ect and fore­see­able con­sequence to both of us. Our liab­il­ity shall not in any event include lost data, lost profits (whether dir­ect or indir­ect) or any inter­rup­tion of your busi­ness. Furthermore, our liability does not cover any loss suffered by you financially or otherwise should you fail your exams, this includes any bonuses, pay rises, employment opportunities or promotions foregone.
10.3 This clause 10 shall not limit or affect our liab­il­ity res­ult­ing from any products sold through the Site being found to be unsafe or if some­thing we do neg­li­gently causes death or per­sonal injury.

11 Advertising and Sponsorship

11.1 We reserve our right to use parts of the Site for advert­ising and spon­sor­ship. Advertisers and spon­sors will be respons­ible for ensur­ing that mater­ial sub­mit­ted for inclu­sion on the Site com­plies with rel­ev­ant laws and codes. We will not be respons­ible to you for any error or inac­cur­acy in advert­ising and spon­sor­ship material.

12 Supply of items through the Site

12.1 Your order is an offer to buy from us. There will be no con­tract of any kind between you and us unless and until we actu­ally dis­patch the goods to you or activ­ate your enti­tle­ment to our ser­vices. At any point up until then, we may decline to sup­ply the goods or ser­vices to you without giv­ing any reason. At the moment that the goods are dis­patched or ser­vices activ­ated, a con­tract will be made between you and us, and you will be charged for the goods and/or ser­vices.
12.2 The prices pay­able for the items that you order are clearly set out on the Site. If, by mis­take, we have under-priced an item, we will not be liable to sup­ply that item to you at the stated price provided that we notify you before we dis­patch or activ­ate the item con­cerned. All prices are expressed inclus­ive of any sales tax pay­able unless oth­er­wise stated. Your credit/debit card details will not be stored by Chartered Education and any inter­net traffic will be encryp­ted to min­im­ize the pos­sib­il­ity of unau­thor­ised access or dis­clos­ure. Authority for pay­ment must be given at the time of pla­cing your order. If for any reason bey­ond our reas­on­able con­trol, we are unable to sup­ply a par­tic­u­lar item, we will not be liable to you except to ensure that you are not charged for that item. If required, deliv­ery will be made to the address spe­cified by you on the com­pleted order form.
12.3 We hope you will be happy with your pur­chase. However, should you feel it neces­sary to return a non-perishable item, you may can­cel the con­tract for pur­chase by con­tact­ing info@charterededu.com within seven work­ing days of pur­chase. You will be respons­ible for the cost of return­ing any item to us unless the item is defect­ive or we have delivered the item to you in error. The item should be returned to us in its ori­ginal con­di­tion. If we do not receive the item back from you we may arrange for col­lec­tion of the item from you at your cost. When we receive notice of can­cel­la­tion of your con­tract for any item, we will refund the price paid by you for that item or at your request if the item is defect­ive will repair the item or sup­ply you with a replace­ment item. We will not refund the deliv­ery charge for send­ing the item to you unless you are return­ing an entire order.
12.4 Notwithstanding the terms expressed in section 12.3, we reserve our rights to refuse a refund of your purchase.

13 Applicable Law

13.1 If a court or other com­pet­ent author­ity holds any of these terms to be void or unen­force­able in whole or part, the other terms and the remainder of the affected term shall con­tinue to be valid.
13.2 Nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit our liab­il­ity for death or per­sonal injury due to our neg­li­gence or our liab­il­ity for fraud­u­lent mis­rep­res­ent­a­tion.
13.3 If you are a con­sumer, your legal rights are not affected by these terms.
13.4 Our fail­ure to exer­cise or delay in exer­cising a right or rem­edy provided by these terms of use or by law does not con­sti­tute a waiver of those or any other rights or rem­ed­ies.
13.5 These terms and the use of this web­site and its con­tent shall be gov­erned by and con­strued in all respects in accord­ance with United States and/or State of Illinois law, and you agree to sub­mit to the non-exclusive jur­is­dic­tion of United States and/or State of Illinois courts.

14 International Use

14.1 We make no prom­ise that mater­i­als on the Site are appro­pri­ate or avail­able for use in loc­a­tions out­side the United States of America, and access­ing the Site from ter­rit­or­ies where its con­tents are illegal or unlaw­ful is pro­hib­ited. If you choose to access this site from loc­a­tions out­side the United States, you do so on your own ini­ti­at­ive and are respons­ible for com­pli­ance with local laws.

15 Miscellaneous

15.1 You may not trans­fer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other per­son. We may trans­fer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to another busi­ness where we reas­on­ably believe your rights will not be affected.
15.2 If you breach these Terms and Conditions and the Company chooses to ignore this, the Company will still be entitled to use its rights and rem­ed­ies at a later date or in any other situ­ation where you breach the Terms and Conditions.
15.3 The Company shall not be respons­ible for any breach of these Terms and Conditions caused by cir­cum­stances bey­ond its reas­on­able con­trol.
15.4 The Site is owned and oper­ated by Chartered Education, a Synaptus Media property located at 242 N. York St, Suite 144, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 USA
15.5 If you have any quer­ies please con­tact info@charterededu.com
15.6 In the event com­pet­i­tions are run in con­junc­tion with events and com­pan­ies, said competitions are open to United States of America res­id­ents only unless oth­er­wise stated. Prizes are sub­ject to avail­ab­il­ity and may be sub­sti­tuted. We accept no liab­il­ity for lost or dam­aged prizes. Third party terms and con­di­tions may apply. Where sup­ply of prize is to be com­pleted by a third party, we reserve the right to sup­ply con­tact details for the win­ner to that third party. Where phys­ical goods are the awar­ded prize, they will be sent by registered mail where pos­sible to an address nom­in­ated by the win­ner. Only one valid entry may be made per per­son, mul­tiple entries will res­ult in dis­qual­i­fic­a­tion. Winners will be selec­ted at the dis­cre­tion of Chartered Education. Any attempt to manip­u­late the com­pet­i­tion by an entrant will res­ult in disqualification.